FFXVI Trials Guides List

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Specific Trial Guides:

What's are the easiest / hardest trial(s)? This is of course my own opinion.

Easier tier

  • Titan (I love countering with RF and Blocking)
  • Bahamut (Impulse? Lol. Gigaflare? Lol. Satellite + Magic Burst)
  • Shiva (Not particularly enjoyable, but easy)

Moderate tier

  • Phoenix (Possibly still in the easier tier)
  • Ramuh (Opened up my eyes to his skillset, really lol)
  • Garuda (Tedious)

"Acquired Taste"" tier

  • Odin (I INITIALLY HATED THIS BUT CAME TO LOVE IT. It was so fun for me after the first few sad attempts.

Funnily enough I've heard wildly differing "tierlists" from my friends and others people online. For example, there was a person who swore Titan was impossible, but I crushed the hard mode with almost an S score on my first try. While Odin pissed me off initially - another guy said it was his favourite haha.
