Diablo 4 Season 4 is here! D4 S4 New Aspects | D4 S4 New Uniques

Aspect of Lethal Dusk | D4 Aspects

Aspect of Lethal Dusk is a Rogue class Defensive type aspect with effect:
Evading through an enemy infected by your Shadow Imbuement grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants you [1 - 5%] Maximum Life on Kill for 6 seconds.

As a Defensive aspect, you can only Imprint Lethal Dusk onto:
Shield, Helmet, Armor, Legs, Amulet

Codex Of Power?

Aspect of Lethal Dusk is NOT in the Codex of Power.

Immediate Correlations

Aspect of Lethal Dusk does not have any direct skill modifications.

Aspect Effect Scaling
Is Aspect of Lethal Dusk Good? Worth the Slot?

I'll be giving my own input on each Aspect in the near future. As of now, these are BETA / Server Slam info so I'll wait post launch.

Related Links & Other Information

Still a bit raw, and lots more info to be tracked! As well as my own input on them! but for now here's a few Related Links.