What can I say. When I saw “autobattler”, “hero customization”, “crazy builds”. I had to check it out. Skill Legends Royale is exactly all those things and more. Think TFT, plus Hearthstone Battlegrounds but 1v1 hero duels instead. That about sums it up!

Join us as the brothers check out Skill Legends Royale, here’s our thoughts after our first impressions / first look into it.

Mike and Marco play Skill Legends Royale!

Heroes… Heroes Everywhere!

Well, what’s a “Hero Duelling Autobattler with Build Customization” without the actual heroes, haha. As of this writing, there are 29 Heroes you can use! When you queue up, though, you can’t pick a hero and have to choose from a pool presented to you as you get in the lobby. Each hero has their own stats, ultimate skill, and passive.

I love the “nod” to the OG classic Warcraft III heroes. Many of them make “appearances” here. I’m honestly a little worried about them since they’re a little more than just “inspired by them” hahaha. It’s all in good fun though so I hope Blizzard doesn’t make a fuss about it.

Active & Passives Skills – the SAUCE

Well, if you’re wondering how the builds and customization. The skills comes in the form of cards and can have up to two “types”. For example, “Mahiko Slash” has Poison and Attack as its types. Buying this skill not only makes it available for your use, but levels up your heroes Poison and Attack “branch” for this game.

As these “branches” level up, you’re offered higher rarity skills, eventually getting Rare and capping out with Mythic Skills for each tree. Also, the passive power of this branch improves.

In each lobby, 4 Skill Branches (in ramdom) are locked!

For example, if you buy eight Dodge skills – your Dodge becomes Level 1 (from 0). And you passively gain Physical Resistance, and Dodge Chance, as well as getting offered Rare Dodge skills.

Image showing the skill drafting phase of Skill Legends Royale in between each fight
In Skill Legends Royale, you “draft” skills from a rotating selection in between fights

How does it play? PVP all the way

If you’re not the PVP type, don’t get your hopes down. It’s a very low stakes low stress PVP environment as it is an autobattler! Haha. You queue up into a lobby of 8, select a hero, and go ham until one is left standing.

You go through a cycle of: Fight > Buy Skills > Repeat. Simple as that!

Bottom 4 don’t get any points (maybe lose them at higher ranks?) and the Top 4 get points towards their ranking / MMR. So yes even if you’re not into PVP just try it out. Imagine you’re up against bots, lol.

Free to play?

While the demo is out right now (it’s what’s featured in the video), it’s seemingly going to release as a free to play title. Good news for us. The not so good news is that it seems to have a battle pass which ever so slightly affects you in-game.

Kind of like Hearthstone Battlegrounds, I guess? You seemingly get an extra reroll for your initial hero choice… I hope that’s it. It would kinda suck if the BP gave anything more than that…

Familiar, Cute Artstyle

A lot of people might not like this kind of style. “Looks like a mobile game” is what I sometimes hear. I don’t agree with that sentiment, as it has a lot of charm. I appreciate the very consistent art style even if it is a little simplistic.

I felt its worth a mention since I foresee some people actively trying to avoid it because of this – I beg you reconsider: because this game is a BANGER.

Summar, Outro, Related Links

Usually, I say I’m surprised about these random games I try. But this one was different. I was SURE I’d like Skill Legends Royale. But I was STILL surprised because I had much more fun than I thought!

You never know until you try, right. Lots of people I’ve introduced to TFT / HSBG didn’t really think they’d be into it – but they’re the ones inviting me to lobbies now, haha. My guess is this game isn’t that far off the mark.

Check our Video: Let’s Play Skill Legends Royale (Review-lite / First Impressions) 


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