
Muriel is a dedicated support hero, with most of her skill set designed to heal and shield allies. She is the best babysitter you can have because her skills not only grant a shield, but greatly increases your health regen for a short duration. Her Q skill does have a really nice slow and her bubble does do damage, but don’t expect to get many kills with Muriel alone.

As a support hero, concentrate on keeping your team alive during team fights. Your RMB skill gives quite a large shield and gives a nice speed boost as well, great for escaping or chasing that slippery kill. Her ultimate is a great way of not only saving a teammate, but also to get into the fight quickly and it also has a knock up effect to enemies close to your target.

Muriel Skills

Muriel_PassPassive - Restoration
Muriel grants an additional 14 health regen to nearby shielded allies.
Muriel_LMBLMB / R2 - Orb
Muriels single target ranged attack.

Energy Damage: 49.95 / 56.19 / 62.44
Cooldown: 1.5

Muriel_RMBRMB / R1 - Alacrity
Muriel throws out a ball to the ground. Any ally, including herself, can pick it up and gain a shield and bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.

Shield: 135 / 310 / 465
Move Speed Increase: 200 / 250 / 300
Ball Duration: 8
Mana Cost: 52 / 56 / 60
Cooldown: 15

Muriel_QQ / Square - Serenity
Muriel fires out a line skillshot that passes and damages minions. If it hits an enemy hero, that hero is also slowed.

Energy Damage: 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195
Slow Duration: 4
Mana Cost: 52 / 56 / 60 / 64 / 68
Cooldown: 15

Muriel_EE / Circle - Consecrated Ground
Muriel spawns a bubble at a target location. Any allies that walk into or are within the bubble recieive a shield. After a few seconds, the bubble also explodes dealing damage to all enemies inside.

Energy Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180
Shield: 100 / 152 / 204 / 256 / 308
Mana Cost: 56 / 60.5 / 65 / 69.5 / 74
Cooldown: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14

Muriel_RR / Triangle - Reversal of Fortune
Muriel charges her wings and targets any allied hero on the map. After a few seconds, she flies toward the target and granting that target a large shield. Once she lands, all enemy heroes around the target are knocked up in the air and all allied heroes in the area gain another large shield.

Shield: 450 / 575 / 700
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 130 / 120 / 110

Muriel Overview


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