MHW Food Guide | How to: Buffs, Recipes, Effects, List

If you're confused about the canteen and food buffs in Monster Hunter: World, you've found the right place. Newer players may be confused by the initially arcane food buff...

Monster Hunter World | Camps Location & Unlocking

This guide is simple enough - Locations and unlocking all the camps in Monster Hunter: World. Make your life easier NOW! Here's the Camp Location video playlist - roughly...

MHW Augmentations Guide & FAQ

Hello hunters - here we talk all about Augmentations in Monster Hunter World. First of all let's get the basics of augmentations over with. Create and share builds with our MHW...

MHW Powercharm Armorcharm & Talons Guide | MUST HAVE ITEMS

This is a small guide detailing a few items that newer players may not know about. Namely the Powercharm, Armorcharm, Powertalon, and Armortalon specifically in Monster Hunter: World -...

MHW Elemental Attack Damage CAP | Find your weapons cap!

Hello hunters! If you're here, you're wondering about WEAPON ELEMENTAL ATTACK DAMAGE CAPS. Annoying as it is, it is capped and you should be careful going over it -...

Monster Hunter World | Armor List & Skills Table (Searchable)

So I made a simple mini-guide detailing the armor skills and slots of all the (I can currently forge) Armor in Monster Hunter World. There's also a table of MHW Set...

MHW Elementless / Non-Elemental Boost Guide & FAQ

Here we have a simple guide talking about the popular armor skill Non-Elemental Boost (mainly from the Elementless decoration) in Monster Hunter World. Quick Summary & Talking Points The Elementless Jewel...

MHW Affinity & Critical Eye Guide & FAQ | Iceborne Updated

UPDATED FOR ICEBORNE! I thought to make two separate pages, but combining it made more sense. This guide is all about Affinity & Critical Eye in Monster Hunter: World. How...

MHW Attack Boost Guide & FAQ | Iceborne Updated

In this guide we will be talking about a popular armor skill in Monster Hunter World - Attack Boost.  Here's a summary of what we will be tackling here: ...

MHW | Critical Boost Guide & FAQ | Iceborne Updated

We will talk about the most MISUNDERSTOOD armor skill inMonster Hunter World- Critical Boost.  Here's a summary of what I'll talking about here: In-game description FAQ / Actual Mechanics How does...
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