Ei there, hunters! This guide is all about the hunts in FFXV. Here are the main points: (Work in progress – I’ll update as I go!)
- FFXV Hunt List – Searchable & Filterable
- Problem unlocking hunts? Missing 3 stars to Rank 10?
- FFXV Hunt Basics & FAQ
- FFXV Hunter Rank Requirements and Rewards
FFXV Hunts List
Some marks won’t show up until you’re a certain rank. Rarely, they require completion of other hunts before appearing. Use the search & filter box!
*It’s very hard to determine “Rank needed” – since I’m backtracking*
I get a lot of questions for: Hunters of Secullam Pass (Coeurls)
Use the search & filter box!
Entries with 2 enemies needed only show the “primary” marks… It doesn’t fit well.
I’ll find the best compromise to have the most info. Screenshots of hunt location
and a map is something I’d like to do in the near future.
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Missing 3 stars! Problems Unlocking Hunts
Some hunts don’t show up right off the bat. I’ll discuss all the ways to unlock them.
Ranking up is the most basic one. The more you rank up, the more you’ll see.
Missing 3 stars for rank 10! Aye, so was I. There’s one stupid hunt that’s unlocked after a lengthy quest chain from Vyv (the fat photographer in Lestallum). Get ready for a lot of travel and load screens.
Adamantoise hunt only unlocks after you’ve done the sidequest to face him.
Dungeon Bosses I’m pretty damn sure the recycled dungeon bosses require you to complete the dungeon before the hunts become available.
Hunt Pre-requisite: Finishing a hunt unlocks further ones. While this seems weird I’m nearly 100% sure this happened in Maagho. I could be wrong was just in a daze…
Hunt Basics & FAQ
Broke? Hunts. Need EXP? Hunts.
Megalixirs and Mega Phoenix? HUNTS!
Hunts are unlocked very early in the game – you literally can’t miss it.
All hunt bills are obtained from tipsters (restaurants). Each hunt gives you rewards – usually Gil and Items. EXP is pretty great too, which is obtained when beating marks.
Completing hunts and killing bounties give Stars, which increase your hunters rank. The primary benefit of increasing your rank is being able to undertake more difficult marks.
The hunt system is pretty basic, and there isn’t much to wonder about. The only sad part is you can only take on one hunt at a time!
You can repeat hunts for gil / exp!
Hunter Rank Rewards & Requirements
Hunter Rank | Stars | Reward | Title |
Rank 1 | 0 | – | ? |
Rank 2 | 5 | Titanium Bangle | Trapper |
Rank 3 | 15 | Heliodor Bracelet | Chaser |
Rank 4 | 30 | Silver Bangle | Ranger |
Rank 5 | 50 | Sapphire Bracelet | Slayer |
Rank 6 | 40 | Gold Bangle | Officer |
Rank 7 | 40 | Black Choker | Guardian |
Rank 8 | 40 | Blue Diamond Bracelet (?) | Grandmaster |
Rank 9 | 40 | Centurion Bangle | Hand of Mercy |
Rank 10 | 43 | Dark Matter Bracelet | Alleyway Jack |
The rewards for actually ranking up are secondary, as they aren’t THAT good to be a motivator to get your hunter rank up. Again the main benefit of ranking up is purely to undertake better bounties.
- FFXV Hunt List – Searchable & Filterable
- Problem unlocking hunts? Missing 3 stars to Rank 10?
- FFXV Hunt Basics & FAQ
- FFXV Hunter Rank Requirements and Rewards
Well, happy hunting! FFXV Hunts kind remind you of FFXII, ey? But the latter pulled it off better…
FFXV Guides – if you need more info about this game.
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You can have up to 10 hunter quests going at once. I’ve currently got 5 on the go, all from different tipsters.
This must be a recent change as this was published around the time ffxv first came out!
Rank 8 missing 2 stars for 9 but I’ve done every mission including the Adamantoise and all of Vyv’s quests just at a loss here
This cant be a complete list of hunts because I have done every one of them and am rank 9 with 22/43 stars.
can you double check? missing 21 stars is quite large of a discrepancy
The list is completed beside: 24 Help Needed in EXINERIS
im exactly at the same point
I feel you bro I’ve done them all and checked 7 times and done every dungeon stuck at 22/43
The Feathered Giant of the Firesmoke is a rank 7, not 8.
The night hunts at Maago only show up after baeting the hunt of the tomberies. Just confirmed it!
I was able to do the one for the Zu at Rank seven.
I’m rank 5 in chapter 5 and I only have 16 of 40 stars to rank up to 6 but I’ve been in every town multiple times and not finding any new hunts where are they
Try to progress first, chapter-wise. 🙂
I have checked a few sources and this is the only one with the right rewards, notably the hunts in Altissia, every other guide i found, even the guide book has different (better) rewards for the Altissia hunt but they are wrong, this is right. Do you know when the rewards changed?
Thank you! And no, I’m unaware when or if it changed.
i have 39/40 stars to go to rank 8, i went to every town and theres no hunts .. im in chapter 12
have you done any dungeon bosses? try beating the game first
Where was the last star ? Same issue looked everywhere
have you been to Hunter HQ?
You only need 30 stars to rank from 8 to 9.
A Lost Painting Handkerchief Maagho RX, is not a rank x hunt I completed it when I was at altissia during chapter 9 hunter rank 5 or 6, most likely rank 6.
Completing everything I could in chapter 14 but before accepting the adman. side quest, the following hunts are not available (at rank 8) not even viewable
Rank 3/4 Hunts
Fiend of the Fallgrove
No Stopping the Great Stink
Trembling Killers
An Omen Crawls upon the ground
Bones Seek an Offering
Dead General Strikes Down the King
And of course you can’t select the the 4 rank9 hunts or the one rank x hunt.
Hope this helps
I’m at rank 9 22/43 in chapter 13 and I can’t find the remaining hunts noticed some hunts in middle lestallum are not showing up helppppppp
Hmm, which hunts exactly? You need to clear some of the optional dungeons for some of these to show up. Middle lestallum… I can help you more if you give me examples of which ones arent showin up
You are missing a Hunt on your list.
24 Help Needed in EXINERIS Megalixer Lestallum (Middle) R3 Night EXINERIS Power Plant Cleigne Garchimacera
Thanks for your help with finding my last 3 points for level 10 hunter. Just wanted to help to keep the list complete.
Rank 8 is grandmaster and reward is blue diamond bracelet
Rank 7 called guardian and reward is black choker
If your still looking for what you get at rank 5, you get a Sapphire Bracelet
Just hit Rank 8, some new R9’s have shown up now
Breeding Season: Rooster Extermination Level 70
People-Eating Snake has Got to Go Level 78
A wall in our Way Level 84
At the Meldacio Hunter HQ
R4 – Ranger – Silver Bangle reward
This is a great guide! I don’t know why they didn’t make it easier to track in game, since you can’t have multiple hunts going at once (i.e. one from each tipster). Thank you very much!
At rank 5 you are awarded the rank Officer and a Gold Bangle
thanks and noted!
Im afraid thats not true, rank 6 is officer, rank 5 is slayer. It also takes 40 stars to hit 6 and 40 to hit 7
thanks! will note the changes!