Hey guys! Welcome to our Witch Doctor’s The Arachyr’s Spirit Set Dungeon Guide. Here we will talk about what build to use, skills, items, notes, map and more!

The Spirit of Arachyr’s Set Dungeon Guide: Build | Location & Map | Tips

Arachyr’s Spirit Set Dungeon Build

Spirit of Arachyr Set Dungeon Build
Items   Skill & Rune
Head Arachyr’s Visage Corpse Spiders Leaping Spiders
Shoulder Arachyr’s Mantle Piranhas Wave of Mutilation
Chest Arachyr’s Carapace Soul Harvest Waste or Languish
Wrist Any Hex Jinx
Hands Arachyr’s Claws Spirit Walk Severance
Belt Any (Krelm’s) Zombie Dogs Leeching Beasts
Legs Arachyr’s Legs Passives
Boots Arachyr’s Stride Pierce the Veil Swampland A.
Neck Any Grave Injustice Creeping Death
Ring Any Kanai’s Cube
Ring Any Furnace
Main Any Leoric’s Crown
Off Any (TotD) Any
Legendary Gems
Irrelevant (Gogok of Swiftness)

Options & Notes:

  • The “any” slots are irrelevant and can even be yellows. There’s no “must” in that slot.
  • Thing of the Deep: the only helpful item. It gives you CDR via Grave Injustice.
  • In that note, CDR is welcome in any form.
  • It’s unlikely you’ll be ‘too powerful’ – PILE ON THE PAIN!!!

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Arachyr’s Set Dungeon Location & Map

Where is the Arachyr’s Set Dungeon? It’s in ACT II – Dalghur Oasis.

  • Teleport to the way-point ACT II – Dalghur Oasis.
  • Just go down and left, trying to find the edge of the map.
  • In a tiny alcove you’ll find the entrance!

The Arachyr’s Set Dungeon Map / Layout

How to Beat & Master Arachyr’s Set Dungeon

This one shouldn’t even take 3 tries to master… one of the easier ones!

Map & Pathing

Familiarize yourself with the map first. A sample path is shown above.

  • Start off and go all the way forward until you’re forced to bust a left.
  • Complete this small rectangle and you’ll eventually find yourself at a crossroads.
  • There’s three paths here… straight, left and right.
  • Go right, backtrack, go up, then finally finish off with the left path.
  • You’ll have a lot of time to backtrack, if needed…


Tips & Explanations

Objective: Lick X Enemies with Toad

I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t know how the Toad rune works before this, certainly I didn’t! Once you use it, it’s easy to understand.

Your power level greatly affects the toad lick speed. Since it won’t stop licking a dude until it dies! Naturally, the lick itself can outright kill if you’re strong enough, greatly reducing the time you need to get this done.

Help it! Toss your Corpse Spiders (which in turn tells your Queen spider to go there) and assist in the killing of the current licking victim, so it can move to the next.

It’s a balancing act managing how fast you need to go, and how many Toad licks you need to do. Grave Injustice greatly helps here, and any other source of CDR. Multiple Toads can be active, and you should be continually moving and putting Toads out. Don’t worry about stragglers, the Toad should be able to easily kill anything in its range.

Objective: Kill elites while Webbed + Piranha-d

Pretty brainless objective. For some reason it was stuck in my mind that they needed to be licked, too… so don’t fall into the same trap I did…

The process for this is quite simple. Throwing Corpse Spiders on it continuously will web it. Now it just has to die while it’s being eaten by Piranhas. I don’t know if Creeping Death worked for this regard but either way I beat it with or without the passive. Just make sure you cast the fishies before it dies!

This dungeon wasn’t stressful at all. The easiest WD dungeon, perhaps. (and Zuni…)

The Spirit of Arachyr’s Spirit Set Dungeon Guide: Build | Location & Map | Tips

Other TeamBRG WD Guides:

Check our our D3 Guide Directory for anything else you might need! The Arachyr’s Spirit Set Dungeon ain’t hard at all! Toadally doable.

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  1. I couldn’t manage to finish the dungeon with elite objective done. Even with removing weapon, dismissing follower etc.
    Switchet Piranhas rune to Piranhado… and done. Thanks for the guide!

  2. i am too stupid for this one. the toad licking part is easy, but the elites just die too quick. either i dont get piranhas on them quick enough or the spider queen doesnt get there in time

  3. Wow, last time I tried a set dungeon was when they first came out and I found them almost impossible. I just followed this guide on my witch doctor and succeeded on my first try without much effort at all. Awesome!

  4. Thanks again for the guide 🙂 Made this incredibly easy and I look forward to using the rest of your run-throughs to carry me to greatness!

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