Vermintide 2 Item Stats, Properties & Traits mini-guide
As the title implies, just a tiny rundown of all item properties and traits in Vermintide 2. You'll find this useful when you're rerolling your items or wonder what stat...
Vermintide 2: Handmaiden Career – Talents, Builds Guide
You'll find all sorts of information here regarding the Handmaiden Career (for Kerillian) in Vermintide 2. The Handmaiden is a strange spec that is heavily leaning to "support". I...
Vermintide 2: Slayer Career – Talents, Builds Guide
You'll find all sorts of information here regarding the Slayer Career (for Bardin) in Vermintide 2. The Slayer is a DPS class that cannot equip a ranged weapon. Instead,...
Vermintide 2: Pyromancer Career – Talents, Builds Guide
You'll find all sorts of information here regarding the Pyromancer Career (for Sienna) in Vermintide 2. The Pyromancer, of all of Siennas careers, is the undoubted champion of RANGED...
Vermintide 2: Huntsman Career – Talents, Builds Guide
You'll find all sorts of information here regarding the Huntsman Career (for Markus) in Vermintide 2. The Huntsman is a ranged DPS/support class that can pick off targets for days...
Vermintide 2 – All Heroes Classes & Career Subclasses
In this simple guide, we detail all the available Heroes and Careers in Vermintide 2. Think of it as a "class" and "subclass" system.
How are career paths unlocked? One is...