As the title suggests, All monster loot in I am Setsuna, in a search friendly table form! Also includes Monster Locations, and other useful info. If you’re here you may also wanna read the Setsuna Loot System FAQ.

NEEDS: I’m missing ONE item, Ruler of Time’s EXACT KILL. Many basic monster locations I know, but have to recheck… should I put the “best” place to farm? Some map numbers still confuse me – but otherwise this should be very, VERY helpful still. (also more NOTES)

Spritnite-Eaten Monster Locations? Boss Locations? For spritnite-eatens, just put the search term “(SE)” or “Crystallized”. For bosses, item name or monster name work best.

I am Setsuna: Searchable Monster Loot List

USE THE SEARCH BOX IN THE UPPER RIGHT. I put a special monster “type” since “types” share loot table. (Not species, that’s a useless in-game category)

TypeNameKill TypeItemLocation
PenguinAll PenguinNormalMajestic CrestSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinOverRound StoneSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinFireMiniature Cherry BranceSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinLightPrayer PebbleSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinTimeMiniature Cherry RootSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinDebuffThawdropsSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinExactSturdy Sheet MetalSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinWaterMinitature Cherry BlossomSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinShadowBeach SandSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinMomentUnknown ShellSeach name...
PenguinAll PenguinLinkLarge LeadSeach name...
PenguinPengyRarePengy's TreasureTBA
PenguinHoppyRareJagged ToothTBA
PenguinEmpyRareEmperor's Crown GemTBA
Penguin (SE)RockyRareCrystallized EggIce Floes III EXIT
Peng KingAll Peng KingNormalRoyal CrownSeach name...
Peng KingAll Peng KingOverRoyal CrownSeach name...
Peng KingAll Peng KingLightRoyal FeatherSeach name...
Peng KingAll Peng KingWaterRoyal BeakSeach name...
Peng KingAll Peng KingMomentRoyal GallstoneSeach name...
Peng KingAll Peng KingLinkRoyal GallstoneSeach name...
Peng KingKing Pengy-use 'Peng King'TBA
Peng KingKing Hoppy-use 'Peng King'Apparth, 4th Platform
Peng KingKing Empy-use 'Peng King'TBA
BossJabooNormalBeehive ClawApparth, 1st Platform
BossJabooLightBeehive ClawApparth, 1st Platform
BossJabooExactHigh-grade HoneyApparth, 1st Platform
BossJabooMomentHoney-Bamboo ShootApparth, 1st Platform
BossJabooLinkHoney-Bamboo ShootApparth, 1st Platform
BearAll BearNormalShiny FurSeach name...
BearAll BearOverFan-Maple SapSeach name...
BearAll BearFireFan-Maple BranchSeach name...
BearAll BearLightPlant SeedSeach name...
BearAll BearTimeFan-Maple RootSeach name...
BearAll BearDebuffGodwood SplinterSeach name...
BearAll BearExactBeehiveSeach name...
BearAll BearWaterFan-Maple SamaraSeach name...
BearAll BearShadowBronze Fist ShardSeach name...
BearAll BearMomentBright Green GemSeach name...
BearAll BearLinkWhite Bay Laurel WreathSeach name...
BearUppaRareTree SapTBA
BearHookeeRareSharp FangTBA
Bear (SE)SouthpawRareCrystallized ArmplateFridging Caves II
BunnyAll BunnyNormalWarm Ear FurSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyOverSoft StoneSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyFireImp Walnut BranchSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyLightFaintly Glowing GemSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyTimeImp Walnut RootSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyDebuffRusty CoinSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyExactMountain Lily FlowerSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyWaterImp Walnut FlowerSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyShadowMillennial Snow CrystalSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyMomentPale Pink GemSeach name...
BunnyAll BunnyLinkPerpetual Frost LumpSeach name...
BunnyMuffyRareBushy EarTBA
BunnyChocollyRareBushy TailTBA
BunnySherbettyRareFluffy FurTBA
Bunny (SE)JewellyRareCrystallized Ear FurFriding Heights II END
SnowballAll SnowballNormalPerfect SnowballSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballOverInverted Icicle-FlowerSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballFireMoss-Oak BranchSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballLightBuoyant Metal ShardSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballTimeMoss-Oak RootSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballDebuffMillennial MeltwaterSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballExactMillennial Ice LumpSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballWaterMoss-Oak MossSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballShadowMagicless OrbSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballMomentRainbow GemSeach name...
SnowballAll SnowballLinkFossilized SnowSeach name...
SnowballRoly-PolyRareJagged Right TailTBA
SnowballBowly-PolyRareJagged Left TailTBA
SnowballSnowly-PolyRareWarped ClawTBA
Snowball (SE)Glowly-PolyRareCrystallized TailMorbrise near EXIT
DeermonAll DeermonNormalAntlerSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonOverBlack DreamSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonFireTainted Holy ShellSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonLightSinister UrnSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonTimeDarkness SeedSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonDebuffSilver KhakkharaSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonExactDarkness StoneSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonWaterFrosty HornSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonShadowHoly Man's BoneSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonMomentCracked Black GemSeach name...
DeermonAll DeermonLinkTainted Holy SwordSeach name...
DeermonLesser DeermonRareCracked HoofLast Lands Town
DeermonGreater DeermonRareBlack EyeballLast Lands Ruins I+
DeermonArch DeermonRareDaemonic ThunderLast Lands Ruins END
Deermon (SE)Digi DeermonRareCrystallized HornLast Lands Town NW
BossAurorean TigerNormalCracked Magic HornMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerOverRazor-Sharp ClawMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerFireBeast's BoneMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerLightCracked FaceplateMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerTimeCracked Magic HornMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerExactRazor-Sharp ClawMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerWaterBeast's BoneMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossAurorean TigerShadowCracked FaceplateMoolbeld, 2nd Platform
BossStout SheepNormalGiant Curled HornMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
BossStout SheepFireSupple WoolMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
BossStout SheepLightSupple WoolMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
BossStout SheepTimeSnapped StaffMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
BossStout SheepShadowSnapped StaffMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
BossStout SheepMomentGiant Curled HornMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
BossStout SheepLinkGiant Curled HornMoolbeld, 3rd Platform
WalrusAll WalrusNormalSlippery HideSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusOverAwakening GrassSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusFireAphyllous Fir BranchSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusLightBroken PocketwatchSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusTimeAphyllous For RootSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusDebuffSmall CogSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusExactIron SnowsandSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusWaterAphyllous Fir BlossomSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusShadowStiff WhiskerSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusMomentPale Blue GemSeach name...
WalrusAll WalrusLinkStinging SeaweedSeach name...
WalrusWaloompaRareSmooth OilTBA
WalrusBaloompaRareHard Front ToothTBA
WalrusGaloompaRareTough Outer SkinTBA
Walrus (SE)MaloompaRareCrystallized FlipperFrozen Caves EXIT
CrabAll CrabNormalLarge PincerSeach name...
CrabAll CrabOverIron OreSeach name...
CrabAll CrabFireYellow Pine BranchSeach name...
CrabAll CrabLightCircular SheetSeach name...
CrabAll CrabTimeYellow Pine RootSeach name...
CrabAll CrabDebuffOld Crested ShieldSeach name...
CrabAll CrabExactUnknown BoneSeach name...
CrabAll CrabWaterYellow Pine FlowerSeach name...
CrabAll CrabShadowOld Hunting HornSeach name...
CrabAll CrabMomentLight Brown GemSeach name...
CrabAll CrabLinkPowdered BoneSeach name...
CrabSkullianRareLarge ShellTBA
CrabSpikoonRareSquirming TentacleTBA
Crab (SE)Fallout ShellRareCrystallized PincerBlackwhelm Caves EXIT
SealAll SealNormalSleek BarbelSeach name...
SealAll SealOverDodgeflowerSeach name...
SealAll SealFireWhite Cedar BranchSeach name...
SealAll SealLightSilver SandSeach name...
SealAll SealTimeWhite Cedar RootSeach name...
SealAll SealDebuffBlazing RockSeach name...
SealAll SealExactPunctured Sheet MetalSeach name...
SealAll SealWaterWhite Cedar FlowerSeach name...
SealAll SealShadowCharred PowderSeach name...
SealAll SealMomentBlue GemSeach name...
SealAll SealLinkGolden GemSeach name...
SealPoison Puff-puffRareDetonation OilTBA
SealPrickly Puff-puffRareSquishy SkinTBA
SealFiery Puff-puffRareDetonation BagTBA
Seal (SE)Atomic Puff-puffRareCrystallized BarbelSerendale Left of Save
BossSchwarzstrom (2)NormalSea God's Rainbow ScaleSerendale, East pier boat
BossSchwarzstrom (2)FireSea God's Flame OrbSerendale, East pier boat
BossSchwarzstrom (2)LightSea God's Light OrbSerendale, East pier boat
BossSchwarzstrom (2)TimeSea God's Time OrbSerendale, East pier boat
BossSchwarzstrom (2)WaterSea God's Water OrbSerendale, East pier boat
BossSchwarzstrom (2)ShadowSea God's Shadow OrbSerendale, East pier boat
BossPrimeval TortoiseNormalGiant Tortoise ShellApparth, 3rd Platform
BossPrimeval TortoiseLightLong Red NoseApparth, 3rd Platform
BossPrimeval TortoiseWaterShell-IceApparth, 3rd Platform
BossPrimeval TortoiseShadowDiant Tortoise ShellApparth, 3rd Platform
BirdAll BirdNormalSharp TalonSeach name...
BirdAll BirdOverBitter BerrySeach name...
BirdAll BirdFireTwin Ginkgo BranchSeach name...
BirdAll BirdLightWhite Snow Lily FlowerSeach name...
BirdAll BirdTimeTwin Gingko RootSeach name...
BirdAll BirdDebuffHealing Tail FeatherSeach name...
BirdAll BirdExactHexagonal PendantSeach name...
BirdAll BirdWaterTwin Ginkgo FlowerSeach name...
BirdAll BirdShadowBlack Snow Lily FlowerSeach name...
BirdAll BirdMomentCrimson GemSeach name...
BirdAll BirdLinkSlicing Wing FeatherSeach name...
BirdWhite FlapperRareCurative Wing FeatherTBA
BirdBlack FlapperRareLarge Forked TailTBA
BirdRainbow FlapperRareSparkling ScrapTBA
Bird (SE)Stone FlapperRareCrystallized WingForgotten Shore, Middle
AngelAll AngelNormalDancing FeatherSeach name...
AngelAll AngelOverWhite DreamSeach name...
AngelAll AngelFireBlade ShardSeach name...
AngelAll AngelLightLightning DownSeach name...
AngelAll AngelTimeShining SeedSeach name...
AngelAll AngelDebuffSilver ChaliceSeach name...
AngelAll AngelExactShining StoneSeach name...
AngelAll AngelWaterTransparent DropSeach name...
AngelAll AngelShadowBlack MistSeach name...
AngelAll AngelMomentDeep Blue GemSeach name...
AngelAll AngelLinkOld Silver ChainSeach name...
AngelHeronielRareReflective FeatherLast Lands Town
AngelPeacockielRareGrowing FeatherLast Lands Ruins I+
AngelCondorielRareAngel's Armor PlateLast Lands Ruins END
Angel (SE)StonielRareCrystallized BeakLast Lands Town NE
OwlAll OwlNormalLarge TeardropSeach name...
OwlAll OwlOverWeeping Cupress BranchSeach name...
OwlAll OwlFireSilver StoneSeach name...
OwlAll OwlLightWhite StoneSeach name...
OwlAll OwlTimeGold StoneSeach name...
OwlAll OwlDebuffJoyflowerSeach name...
OwlAll OwlExactBeedbeach BranchSeach name...
OwlAll OwlWaterBlue StoneSeach name...
OwlAll OwlShadowBlack StoneSeach name...
OwlAll OwlMomentTogh GemSeach name...
OwlAll OwlLinkHappiness WreathSeach name...
OwlHoot-HootRareBronze CoinRandom
OwlToot-HootRareSilver CoinRandom
OwlWoot-HootRareGold CoinRandom
Owl (SE)Zoot-HootRareCrystallized TeardropMysleigh Woods EXIT
BossWhitewindNormalGiant FeatherApparth, 2nd Platform
BossWhitewindOverBlood-Splattered StoneApparth, 2nd Platform
BossWhitewindExactBlood-Splattered StoneApparth, 2nd Platform
BossWhitewindMomentGiant EggApparth, 2nd Platform
BossWhitewindLinkWind FeatherApparth, 2nd Platform
FoxAll FoxNormalSnow PowderSeach name...
FoxAll FoxOverKindlegrassSeach name...
FoxAll FoxFireSnow Cherry BranchSeach name...
FoxAll FoxLightEarthenware ShardSeach name...
FoxAll FoxTimeSnow Cherry RootSeach name...
FoxAll FoxDebuffEternity CrystalSeach name...
FoxAll FoxExactPatterned StoneSeach name...
FoxAll FoxWaterSnow Cherry NectarSeach name...
FoxAll FoxShadowThin TrinketSeach name...
FoxAll FoxMomentPale Red GemSeach name...
FoxAll FoxLinkUnknown FurSeach name...
FoxVersaRareSilky HairTBA
FoxVulparaRareWarm ScarfTBA
FoxLuparaRareSnow Fairy's Feather RobeTBA
Fox (SE)SilvaraRareCrystallized Neck FurTwallusk, Near entrance
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeNormalMoss-Covered FurSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeOverThick IvySeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeFireHoly Paulownia BranchSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeLightBent ScrewSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeTimeHoly Paulownia RootSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeDebuffSweet Banana SeedSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeExactHellmoss FlowerSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeWaterHoly Paulownia FlowerSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeShadowRed MushroomSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeMomentBright Blue GemSeach name...
ShroomyAll ShroomdudeLinkSticky ThreadSeach name...
ShroomyShroombackRareHellmossMagna Valley I
ShroomyMountain ShroombackRareParadise MushroomLast Lands Castle II+
ShroomyCave ShroombackRareFungal FurLast Lands Final II+
Shroomy (SE)Crystal ShroombackRareCrystallized Fungal FurMagna Valley I, Entrance
BossWolf BaronNormalGolden ClawApparth, 4th Platform
BossWolf BaronShadowRed HungerApparth, 4th Platform
BossWolf BaronMomentFine Silver FurApparth, 4th Platform
BossWolf BaronLinkFine Silver FurApparth, 4th Platform
SnakeAll SnakeNormalVenomous FangSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeOverDealy VenomSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeFireRed Conker Tree BranchSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeLightTransparent BladeSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeTimeRed Conker Tree RootSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeDebuffIcy ScaleSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeExactFour-Leaf ShamrockSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeWaterRed Conker Tree FlowerSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeShadowFrozen StoneSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeMomentDeep Green GemSeach name...
SnakeAll SnakeLinkBurning DustSeach name...
SnakeSnecterRareLong Twisting TongueArchimell
SnakeBoa TigrisRareRuffled CrestIthees
SnakeHellviperRareGlistening ScaleLast Lands Castle II+
Snake (SE)MagicondaRareCrystallized Shed SkinArchimell
DinoAll DinoNormalGiant ClawSeach name...
DinoAll DinoOverPatterned RockSeach name...
DinoAll DinoFireBurning BloodSeach name...
DinoAll DinoLightBrave SoulSeach name...
DinoAll DinoTimeMillennial SeedSeach name...
DinoAll DinoDebuffBerseker EyeballSeach name...
DinoAll DinoExactSlanted ScalesSeach name...
DinoAll DinoWaterSimmering SnowSeach name...
DinoAll DinoShadowBlood CrystalSeach name...
DinoAll DinoMomentPale Yellow GemSeach name...
DinoAll DinoLinkAncient Weapon ShardSeach name...
DinoDinotaurusRareGiant TailLast Lands Town
DinoDinotaurus MagnusRareGiant Rear HornLast Lands Final III
DinoDinotaurus GiganteusRareGiant Spear HornLast Lands Final END
Dino (SE)Dinotaurus CrystallusRareCrystallized ScaleIthees END
BossCarboceros BeetleNormalShiny Black HornMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleOverShiny Black HornMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleFireShiny Black ShellMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleLightShiny Black ShellMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleTimeShiny Black ShellMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleWaterShiny Black ShellMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleShadowOld AmuletMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleMomentShiny Black FeatherMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossCarboceros BeetleLinkShiny Black FeatherMoolbeld, 1st Platform
BossTimeslaveNormalMagic ShellApparth, Last Platform
BossTimeslaveOverGiant Magic ArmApparth, Last Platform
BossTimeslaveExactGiant Magic LegApparth, Last Platform
BossTimeslaveMomentMagic ShellApparth, Last Platform
BossTimeslaveLinkMagical Energy SourceApparth, Last Platform
BossGrincheNormalMagic ShellLaniff, Up Right
BossGrincheOverGiant Magic ArmLaniff, Up Right
BossGrincheExactGiant Magic LegLaniff, Up Right
BossGrincheMomentMagic ShellLaniff, Up Right
BossGrincheLinkMagical Energy SourceLaniff, Up Right
BossRhydderchNormalTime StaffMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchOverGuardian Spirit ShardMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchFireSaint's LegacyMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchLightSaint's LegacyMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchTimeSaint's LegacyMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchExactGuardian Spirit ShardMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchWaterSaint's LegacyMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchShadowSaint's LegacyMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchMomentSaint's LegacyMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossRhydderchLinkTiny Timestone FragmentMoolbeld, Last Platform
BossThe Time JudgeNormalTime Staff (True)Laniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeFireTime ShellLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeLightRadiant LightLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeTimeTime ShellLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeWaterRadiant LightLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeShadowTime ShellLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeMomentScales of TimeLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Time JudgeLinkScales of TimeLaniff, Up (any) Up
BossThe Ruler of TimeNormalSpace-Time WingLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeOverSpace-Time CrystalLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeFireFlame ShellstoneLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeLightLight ShellstoneLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeTimeTime ShellstoneLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeRare???Laniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeWaterWater ShellstoneLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeShadowSahdow ShellstoneLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeMomentSpace-Time ShellLaniff, Last Platform
BossThe Ruler of TimeLinkSpace-Time TearLaniff, Last Platform
BossHapsperNormalCracked MaskLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperOverChipped SwordLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperFireCracked MaskLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperLightCracked MaskLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperTimeCracked MaskLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperExactOld ArmorLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperWaterCracked MaskLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperShadowCracked MaskLaniff, Up Left Down
BossHapsperLinkMusty JournalLaniff, Up Left Down
BossFreyjaNormalAntique CombLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaOverGiant Sword ShardLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaFireIndomitable SpiritLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaLightIndoitable SpiritLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaExactGiant SwordLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaWaterIndomitable SpiritLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaShadowIndomitable SpiritLaniff, Up Right Down
BossFreyjaLinkVeteran's ArmorLaniff, Up Right Down
BossSygNormalMagical Energy FragmentLaniff, Up Left
BossSygOverFlame of DutyLaniff, Up Left
BossSygLinkFlame of DutyLaniff, Up Left
BossQuotraNormalMagical Energy FragementLaniff, Up Left
BossQuotraExactFlame of SolitudeLaniff, Up Left
BossQuotraMomentFlame of SolitudeLaniff, Up Left
BossQuotraLinkFlame of DutyLaniff, Up Left
BossTronneNormalMagical Energy FragmentLaniff, Up Left
BossTronneFireFlame of ComfortLaniff, Up Left
BossTronneLinkFlame of DutyLaniff, Up Left
BossDysmorphic MonsterNormalDark MassLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterOverDark Scale FragmentLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterFireDark Fang FragmentLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterLightDark Bone HornLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterTimeDark Bone TailLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterExactDark Claw FragmentLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterWaterDark Bone PlateLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterShadowDark BlackfireLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterMomentUnique Timestone ShardLaniff, 1st Platform
BossDysmorphic MonsterLinkStrange Timestone ShardLaniff, 1st Platform

I made it SEARCH ONLY since this would be way too long and unruly, like my Snecter.

Notes & Other Info…

I’ll put up other useful info here later… like clarifications on some monsters. I’ll be back later so stay tuned! Some monsters are stupidly hard to farm, like the 2nd dino…

Spritnite Eaten? As mentioned above, search “(SE)” or “Crystallized”.

Where is Ithees? The airship ruins. Easily accessible from Magna Valley II (backtrack).

Where is Apparth, Moolbeld & Laniff? Those locked towers. All very near Last Lands.

  • Apparth Ruins Location: NW from Last Lands.
  • Moolbeld Ruins Location: S~E from Last Lands
  • Laniff Ruins Locations: N~E from Last Lands.


More I am Setsuna Guides?

Hopefully, this little tool will make your Setsuna item farming much easier! Good luck on the exact kills, buddy.

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